
March 31, 2014


Not much to report. Or rather not much in the mood for reporting. Trying to keep the sun on my face and the wind on my back. Forging ahead with less of a shitty attitude and more optimism. This is proving disappointedly difficult.

I like this song very much. It is my pulse at present, my current state. Not many solid thoughts so much as just a mood. A feeling. A ray of light streaming through the curtains. Faint shadows. The restful sleep that somehow only comes from afternoon naps. And dreamy pink. Always pink.  


Megan T.


                                        Film still from Vivre Sa Vie, Jean-Luc Godard, 1962



Watercolor, Bernadette Pascua

Here's hoping April will bring good things. How did it become April 2014 already? Frightening. Warp speed ahead it seems. After the ups and downs of March I've decided to call it a draw. Better things are coming but I am grateful for what I have. 

I need to get the hell out for a few days. That's my major goal for April. Getting my mug out of town for a bit. I want to be surrounded by green. Swallowed up by a jungle somewhere. Wish me luck. And bon voyage… 

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