
April 17, 2014


It is very easy, much too easy, to lose track of all the awesome things I have going and have had/done/experienced.

I am extremely fortunate and very grateful.

I feel like an asshole for the complaining I've been doing and the apparent amnesia I have regarding how charmed, fortunate, and frankly, at the risk of sounding like a bigger asshole, how awesome my life has been thus far. It's like I have a shroud of shit covering my window and blocking my awesome view. 

Too literal? Too cheesy? Probably. But I love these photographs and dammit it is true.

I have lived in and experienced many places.  Have been surrounded by people who love me. Have never really wanted or gone without.

Paris, Venice, New York, Los Angeles. A family who loves and supports me. Friends who love and understand me. A home, health, health of those I love. 

Yes. Thank you. For all of it. Even the parts I thought were shitty and the massive sinkhole I find myself in now. I am grateful for all of it. Truly.

All stunning photos via

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