
May 31, 2014

turn the lights out

Isn't it that we are all in fact late bloomers? If you ask me we are still blooming as it is… at least I hope I am. I'm always left wanting more. As the song says, Is This It??

Long day. Around a lot of people, but I still felt a bit lonely and adrift. So many people, but lacking the correct ones, one. 

This song, its little backing tone gets me. Forget (forgive?) the fact that it is a big Beyonce song; something sweet and simple about the idea behind these lyrics makes me long for the innocence that comes with young love… or love in general if done right. Not even romantic love necessarily- I see myself sitting in muggy summer nights in Brooklyn with my favorites, fighting off mosquitos and singing along with wine glasses in our hands.  

Our love is like xo. You kill me boy, xo.


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