Admittedly lagging on the posts lately. What else is new. Instead of apologizing (I AM sorry though!) and running further into a silent absence with my tail between my legs, I'm just going to post even the most banal of things to at least get to writing something.
And so, voila, here's a dumb list.
Things I Hate That I Really Should Not Hate Or At Least Just Do Anyway:
1) Networking-
Ugh. Seriously,
fucking ugh to the 12th degree! I already dislike forced conversation, but add onto that already miserable scenario the sense of fakery or desperation and I want to ram my car into a brick wall. Networking anywhere is bad enough, but networking events are my worst nightmare. Everyone's stupid agenda trying to mask their desperation whilst overshadowing the next guy's… dear god no! I'm not even on LinkedIn. This may explain a lot.
I should probably bite the bullet and partake, at least in LI. I am inexplicably, also immaturely I admit, strangely proud of not being part of this circus. I guess loyalty to my bullshit conviction isn't a marketable quality in this job market.
2) Social Media-
Call me an asshole, but their are very, very (very!) few people whose opinions are of concern to me. I've always been on the outs with social media in that I was never a very active user and now rarely use it at all. I have never had any interest in Twitter, barely joined Instagram in recent months, and haven't told anyone about this here blog and actually enjoy the fact that it exists as a silent shout into the void. I'm only still on Facebook because it's easier to not do anything than actually deactivate and to keep dibs on old crushes. So no I don't care about the sandwich you had for lunch, your desire to constantly share selfies, or how much alleged fun you had last night. The recent report that linked selfies to narcism and mental illness is probably onto something. It all seems like a dire attempt to make the mediocre into awesome. Sorry, but I don't buy it. How does sharing something validate it? I just think a truly satisfied person doesn't need to do that shit. Don't get me started on what I think it means for kids growing up thinking all this is normal. Good grief we are fucked. And for the love of god people, proofread your stupid posts.
But alas, this whole shit-show seems unavoidable in contemporary life. I wonder if any of my dudes in late 19th century Paris felt this way about newspapers and magazines? I bet Degas did, he was such a dick.
3) Going to Bed at a Reasonable Hour/Waking up Early
So technically these are two things, but they go so hand-in-hand so what the hell. I am like a baby most nights, I will fight sleep as long as I can. For whatever reason turning the lights out and attempting to fall asleep as opposed to staying awake until I just pass out from exhaustion feels like I'm wasting time. Ironically, and stupidly, when I am asleep until 9am (okay, 10am… 11am plus) I do not have the same concern. There is something so strangely satisfying about lying in a bed while the sun is shining. When I do arise early it always feels like fake time. I have the delusion that minutes somehow work differently here, it is all bonus time that never moves as fast. I'm an idiot.
This is one I really need to just cut out and grow the fuck up.
But my good I am right about sleeping in sunlight. Afternoon naps are possibly one of my favorite things about life.
I should make a list of those things instead of coming off like a complete tool who hates everyone. Whatevs, here's a sloth.