
April 30, 2014

30 for 30

I am finally committing to what I've said for years: I WILL run a marathon this year before my 30th birthday.

I am sick of my on again-off again bouts of fitness. I want to commit once and for all. I realize a marathon in as huge a fitness commitment as one can get into, but I need to man up, STFU, and… wait for it… just do it! (pun totally intended, and you fell for it, suckers)

So, I'll check in and report progress for accountability's sake, although check out my reading list to see how well that method has proved thus far (major side eye). Spoiler alert: it has not worked very well at all. 

I did just buy some sick fluorescent, crazy neon yellow Asics that set me back a pretty penny. I hope that at least gets my ass out on the pavement often. In addition to a smokin' bod for the summer too, that would be nice. 

April 22, 2014

oh you nasty, huh: jelly roll edition

Every year or so I rewatch Ken Burn's Jazz . I love it and think it is an absolutely brilliant piece of work, even if it makes me sad that I did not grow up to be a nerdy-looking historian who serves as one of the talking heads on historical documentaries on PBS. I guess technically I am an historian, an art historian (side eye) and I certainly have the nerd part on lock… I just have to weasel my way onto a documentary. As long as I'm LA I guess I have a tiny chance. Coming to a TV near you… stay tuned.  

Anyhow, what I wanted to discuss was one Jelly Roll Morton. Jelly. Roll. Morton. AKA Ferdinand Joseph LaMothe. This guy was one bad mamma-jamma. He claimed to have had INVENTED jazz. Invented the entire thing!! Jelly Roll was born in 1890, and he claims to have invented the genre in 1902, so chronologically his assertion is at least somewhat feasible. Ego and tall tales(?) aside, the man was extremely talented, a musical genius, and seminal figure in early jazz who greatly contributed to the genre, especially his early work in New Orleans. 

Jelly Roll's story is fascinating. He taught himself piano as a child and around 14 started playing in the famed brothels of early twentieth-first century New Orleans (a fascinating topic in and of itself). In the brothels he entertained waiting patrons with humorous and smutty songs he performed on the piano. Later, once the patrons were taken upstairs and got down to business, Jelly Roll was in charge of providing mood music with all the right tempo for the business at hand.

It was during his work at the brothels that Morton chose his stage name. I always thought that was weird name for a musician. According to the Burns doc, "Jelly Roll" referred to a sexual act. What type of sex act, the nerdy talking head did not share, and of course that just made me super curious. After some digging around I found that "Jelly Roll" was in fact late 19th and early 21st century slang in black communities for… VAGINA! That's right… PUSSY!!

It gets better. 

Jelly Roll had a friend, awesome jazz singer Lizzie Smith, who recorded a song entitled, you guessed it… "Jelly Roll"… oh yes. In the song she proclaims, among other things, that her jelly roll is the best in town, and that ain't nobody gonna get a taste. Sing it girl! Basic bitches from today need to recognize you're the original pussy power pop star. 

Morton also had his tune, "Jelly Roll Blues," I'll let you decipher that one yourself.

April 17, 2014


It is very easy, much too easy, to lose track of all the awesome things I have going and have had/done/experienced.

I am extremely fortunate and very grateful.

I feel like an asshole for the complaining I've been doing and the apparent amnesia I have regarding how charmed, fortunate, and frankly, at the risk of sounding like a bigger asshole, how awesome my life has been thus far. It's like I have a shroud of shit covering my window and blocking my awesome view. 

Too literal? Too cheesy? Probably. But I love these photographs and dammit it is true.

I have lived in and experienced many places.  Have been surrounded by people who love me. Have never really wanted or gone without.

Paris, Venice, New York, Los Angeles. A family who loves and supports me. Friends who love and understand me. A home, health, health of those I love. 

Yes. Thank you. For all of it. Even the parts I thought were shitty and the massive sinkhole I find myself in now. I am grateful for all of it. Truly.

All stunning photos via

April 8, 2014


It's really warming up. Been running a lot. Too much time in the sun. 
I need to keep busy. I'm going crazy again. 

Saw The Punk Singer a few nights ago. So insanely inspiring. Kathleen Hanna is such a bad ass. Watch it. Now. It's even on Netflix so no excuses.

Wanna disco? Wanna see me disco??